New Leadership Energizes Carbon High School


By Lanie Anderson, CHS English Sterling Scholar

Teresa Pulsipher, a dedicated educator and former student government advisor, is bringing fresh energy into the Student Government this year. A Manti High School graduate, Pulsipher has a long history with the local educational community, having coached volleyball for 28 years, as well as taught at Cedar Middle School and Manti High School, where she previously led student government for eight years.

Her past successes include hosting concerts and organizing the Spirit Bowl (a spirited competition involving several local high schools). This year, Pulsipher aims to boost student involvement and enhance life at Carbon. The Student Government has already enjoyed a successful welcome week and is currently preparing for Homecoming. These festivities will take place from September 30 to October 5. The festivities will include a homecoming royalty assembly, a 5th quarter event after the game, and a superstar rally with food trucks.

Hailey Heugly, Student Body President, shares her enthusiasm for the year’s projects. “I’ve been in student government for three years and it’s been an incredible experience,” says Heugly. “My favorite project has been Carbon Christmas. It’s rewarding to see the joy it brings to the community and families.” Heugly hopes to make a lasting impact on the high school, gain valuable leadership skills, and foster a welcoming environment for the local community.

Pulsipher and her team are also planning additional assemblies and continuing the beloved Carbon Christmas tradition. “Our goal is to create memorable experiences and continuously improve our school environment,” Pulsipher says. With her guidance and the dedication of the student government, this year promises to be filled with growth, enthusiasm, and memorable moments for the entire student body.

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