The following described property will be sold at public auction to the highest bidder, payable in lawful money of the United States at the time of the sale, at the front steps of the Carbon County Courthouse at 149 East 100 South, Price, Carbon County, Utah, on August 29, 2023 at the hour of 12:00 p.m. of said day, for the purpose of foreclosing a Trust Deed originally executed by John Phillip Fister and Deborah Lee Fister, Trustors, in favor of Eastern Utah Community Credit Union, covering real property located at 579 West 1100 North, Price, Utah 84501, and more particularly described as:

Beginning at a point located 160 feet West and 142.19 feet North of the Southeast corner of the Southwest Quarter of Section 8, Township 14 South, Range 10 East, SLB&M, and running thence West 311.16 feet; thence North 142.39 feet; thence East 314.32 feet, more or less, to a point Northeasterly from a point of beginning; thence Southwesterly 142.19 feet more or less to the point of beginning.

TOGETHER WITH AND SUBJECT TO an Easement for ingress and egress over the West 30 feet of the following described land:

Beginning at a point located 160 feet West from the Southeast corner of the Southwest Quarter of Section 8, Township 14 South, Range 10 East SLB&M; running thence West 307.99 feet along the existing fence, said fence being used and accepted as the Section line; thence North 561.79 feet, more or less, to the South Right of Way line of the County Road; thence Easterly along said Right of Way 320.48 feet; thence Southerly 561.38 feet, more or less, to the point of beginning. Also known as John Fister Minor Subdivision,

dated August 2, 1983.

APN# 02-0855-0001.

The current beneficiary of the trust deed is Eastern Utah Community Credit Union and the record owner of the property as of the recording of the notice of default is John P. Fister and Amanda Perry. This Trust Deed is recorded as Entry Number 839367 in Book 901 at Page 157 of the records of the Carbon County Recorder. Bidders must be prepared to tender to the trustee $20,000.00 at the sale and the balance of the purchase price by 12:00 noon the day following the sale. Both payments must be in the form of a cashier’s check or certified funds.

The trustee maintains a bona fide office in the state meeting the requirements of Subsection 57-1-21(1)(b). The address of the office of the trustee is 455 East 500 South, Suite 401, Salt Lake City, UT 84111. The hours during which the trustee can be contacted regarding the notice of default are 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday; with the exception oflegal holidays. The trustee may be contacted by telephone during these hours at (801) 972-0307.


DATED this 18th day of July, 2023.

Successor Trustee
455 East 500 South, Suite 401
Salt Lake City UT 84111

Published in the ETV Newspaper July 26, August 2 and August 9, 2023.

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