Orangeville City Chooses 2 New Councilmen, City Treasurer


By Julie Johansen

A special Orangeville City Council meeting was hosted on June 23 to appoint two new council members. Three candidates applied for the positions and the city council interviewed each applicant with repeated questions. The candidates were Doug Stilson, Greg Jewkes and Kevin Butler.

Following the interviews, the candidates were reminded that one position will serve until the next election and the other would serve for 1.5 years, then they would have to be re-elected. The council voted by a voice vote, and Jewkes and Butler were chosen to feel the vacancies.

These new council members will take the oath of office at the July 13 council meeting. Also at a previous meeting, a new city treasurer, Britney Richards, was chosen.

At this same meeting, a public hearing was conducted to approve the budgets for 2023 and 2024. Following the hearing, the budgets were approved.

Other items of business included opening bids for central air installation at the Orangeville Community Center. Snow’s Heating and Air was the low bid and will be installing the new system at the center.

The purchase of new lawn mower was also approved. A new score board for the baseball field is being considered but was tabled for more information before a vote is taken.

Discussion about a grant for improvements on the walking trail and connecting to Castle Dale’s trail were considered. It was suggested that donors and fundraisers be sought out to help do this.

Raises in salary for Seth Manning and Royal Ockey were also approved. City recorder Tasha Jewkes was offered a $600 per month raise as she is now working full time. This was an option instead of insurance benefits.

Tyler Kelsey was approved as the Agent of Record for Orangeville City.

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