Orangeville City Council Attends to City Business


By Julie Johansen

Orangeville City Council met at 7 p.m. on Nov. 14 for their regularly scheduled monthly meeting. Mayor Shaun Bell opened the meeting leading the Pledge of Allegiance and calling for a motion to pay the bills and warrants and to approve the minutes of the last two meetings. There were no public comments, so the first item on the agenda was to approve Chad Larsen as the newest member on the city’s Planning and Zoning board. This action received unanimous approval.

Mayor Bell than spoke about the two basins on the flood protection project above Orangeville. He informed the council that the NRCS was requiring that the property for these basins either be leased or purchased by Orangeville City.

The lease would cost about $1,200 plus insurance which could amount to $3,200 each year. It would cost approximately $20,000 to purchase the 40 acres  to build the basins on. This ground belongs to Utah State Trust Lands. He had no prior knowledge of this requirement. The council felt that it would be better to purchase but had no idea where to get the money. This item was tabled to get more information, maybe grants.

An approval was given by the council for two people to attend the Animal Control Conference in January 2025. Approval was also given for five people to attend winter fire school. The $3,000 fee will be covered by the fire budget. Seth Manning, Zoning Administrator, requested a new computer for planning and zoning, reporting that he can no longer update the one they have. This was approved up to $1,000.

Business licenses were approved for Jennifer Morgan and Swell Plumbing LLC. Christmas lights for City Hall were approved for up to $500 for this year, with hopes of budgeting for permanent lights for both the City Hall building and Community Center in next year’s budget.

During council reports, Councilman Kevin Butler announced the Christmas Party for City Staff and Council on Dec. 2 at 6 p.m. Councilman Greg Jewkes reported that Orangeville City has one participant, Travis Richards, taking the basic EMT Class offered by the EMS District.

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