Pinnacle Falls to Longhorns


Photo by Maxwell Misner

The Pinnacle Panthers made their way to Altamont for a non-region game against the Longhorns. The home team came out in the first quarter, scoring six more than the Panthers. They added to their lead in the third, bringing the score to 27-18, as they game went to halftime.

Altamont continued to be productive offensively, outscoring Pinnacle in the third quarter, as the game came to an end with the Longhorns securing the win, 48-37.

Brody Howell led his team in scoring with 12 points, followed by Joey Howell ending his night with eight. Dominick Vigil finished with five points, with Riley Davis and Diego Contreras finishing the game with four each.

They will be back at it on Tuesday as they face UMAHF, followed by the annual three-day tournament, the Panther Winter Classic, where many teams will be visiting Price. The Panthers are set to face Salt Lake Academy for the first game of the Classic.

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