Portals at the Kenilworth Mine Begin to Be Sealed


Photo Courtesy of the Helper Fire Department

Another update regarding the Kenilworth Mine Fire has been given by Jan Morse, Environmental Scientist at the Division of Oil, Gas and Mining (DOGM).

Morse stated that last week, crews sealed the Castle Gate No. 2 portal with expanding foam. This appears to have reduced the volume of smoke at the west bench main vent above Kenilworth. This week, crews work to continue sealing the openings that are east of the fire, using a helicopter to transport the needed materials and equipment.

“Because of the reduction in smoke volume, we are optimistic that crews can safely access the west bench to seal the main vent,” stated Morse. “Please avoid the area due to ongoing closure work and potential safety hazards.”

As always, Ashley Sumner can be contacted with questions in regard to air quality concerns at (801) 856-5683 or ssumner@utah.gov. Health-related concerns should be directed to the Southeast Utah Health Department at (435) 637-3671.

“We are committed to informing residents about mitigation progress and will remain focused on staying on schedule to the best of our ability,” stated Morse, who can be contacted about the planned work at (385) 799-0028 or janmorse@utah.gov.

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