Price City Council Addresses Multiple Topics, Concern Over Interim City Treasurer Appointment


The Price City Council opened their Oct. 23 meeting with the re-appointment and swearing in of members of the Price City Planning Commission. The members up for question were Kyle Heffernan, Renee Swinburne and Richard Root.

This will be for a three-year term from Jan. 1, 2025 through Dec. 31, 2027. The council approved the re-appointments before Jaci Adams, City Recorder, swore in the one member in attendance, Heffernan.

The council also approved the declaration of November being named Quality Library Month. This came about after the Price City Library learned that they received a Quality Library status from the state of Utah for the first time ever, with the recognition of this honor taking place in early November.

Finally, the council opened the floor for public comment. One such public comment came from Brandon Ratcliffe, who stated that he had a concern regarding one of the consent agenda items, which had already been approved by the council.

This particular item was the appointment of Nick Tatton as the interim City Treasurer until such a time as a permanent treasurer is recruited and appointed.

Ratcliffe, who has expressed concern over city happenings before, stated that he had spoken to many about how Tatton, who sits on many boards and is the Price City Community Director, already wears too many hats.

That, paired with issues that had occurred that had been previously discussed led Ratcliffe to believe that there is some concern to have someone in charge of the money that already has so many responsibilities on his plate.

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