Price City Council Discusses Employee Safety and Risk Management


Doug Folsom with the Utah Local Governments Trust visited the Price City Council meeting on Wednesday evening to present safety and risk management data.

He began by stating that he wanted to share information to help communicate how important the programs are and the effectiveness in keeping employees safe. This works to control insurance costs for the city and more.

Folsom explained that the most important part of his job as a safety guide working in loss prevention is keeping people safe. “That’s something we are all committed to,” said Folsom.

This particular meeting focused on the Team Appreciation and Recognition Program (TARP). Over the years, there have been a variety of programs that focus on the members and effective safety that actually works and reduces the number of accidents that are happening.

According to Folsom, TARP is designed to keep employees safe and have them help each other in their safeties. This initiative began in 2018 and Folsom explained that when employees receive appreciation and recognition in their efforts, it is much easier for them to continue.

Folsom informed the council that businesses that have low moral have more accidents as employees are not as careful.

What was found after completing the first year with the implementation was 20 to 25% reductions in the frequency of workers compensation and auto accident claims.

After reviewing more numbers on the study with the council, Folsom then thanked Price City for being a part of the program, to which Mayor Mike Kourianos replied that TARP is a beneficial program to have in place.

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