Spotlight Shines on Carbon Caring for Kids


Dee Barlow (left) and Carbon County Chamber of Commerce President Max Jones (right).

Carbon Caring for Kids was recognized as the Carbon County Chamber of Commerce’s Community Spotlight on Thursday afternoon. Dee Barlow accepted the recognition during the chamber’s monthly luncheon, taking time to explain the organization to those in attendance.

Carbon Caring for Kids is the brainchild of Marcy Loveless. Following a humanitarian mission, Loveless recognized the great need that exists for many in the world. Upon returning home, she realized that the need is present even in Carbon County, especially with many kids that go without enough food to fill their bellies.

Thus, Carbon Caring for Kids was born to support children’s dietary needs outside of the school atmosphere. This comes in the form of food kits that are given to local youth to sustain them throughout the weekends and holiday breaks when school meals are not offered.

These efforts are made possible by the generous food donations from members of the community each and every week. The kits are then created by volunteers that spend time packing the food to prepare it for delivery. Other volunteers then distribute the kits to schools throughout Carbon County to be given to local children.

“It happens because of you guys,” Barlow said. “I hope that we can continue this for many years to come.”

Each week, Carbon Caring for Kids updates the community on its Facebook group. There, people can see donation requests for needed items. Volunteers opportunities are also posted on the page along with updates on the amount of children that are being served.

Upcoming, the organization is planning for a long school break. Spring break kits will be assembled soon and donations are needed, especially in the form of fresh fruit. To learn more about the organization, or to donate or volunteer, please visit the Carbon Caring for Kids Facebook group. 

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