Tourism Super Service Award Comes with a Surprise


The Carbon County Tourism Super Service Award took a heartwarming and unexpected turn during the commission meeting that was hosted on Wednesday evening. The recipient for the month was Casey Duncan with Club Mecca in Price, though he did not just receive his recognition.

Per his nomination, it was said that Duncan is a friendly, outgoing waiter that truly cares. He knows the specials and recommends new menu items to customers. The individual that nominated Duncan said that they had never had a bad experience with him and that he is great to visit with and makes others feels important.

From there, Carbon County Tourism Specialist Tina Grange surprised Duncan. He had contacted Grange when he learned about the nomination, stating that he wished to give back to those that have been so gracious and kind to him as he worked through becoming a recovering addict. Because of the kindness he has received from the people of the county, he wanted to give back and did not know how to do that.

Grange considered the idea before presenting what she had created to Duncan during the meeting. She created Casey’s Wish Kindness Challenge, which works through kindness cards that encourage those that receive them to spread small acts of kindness.

Grange printed the cards free, courtesy of Jana Hopes at Carbon Print and Design, and presented them to Duncan. The hope is that local businesses and municipalities will hear about the kindness cards and carry their own to spread the kindness.

There will be a social media account that will work to promote the kindness that is spread through those that have the cards as well.

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